Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Today Zach Braff and I held eye contact for more than two seconds twice and so today, today I blog.

while crossing the block during my two mile hike to work, i was almost ran over by a car that had not seen me in the coming across the street. luckily i noticed that the car currently heading towards me was not slowing down and stopped walking before it hit me. by the time the car stopped the driver (whose window was rolled down) was right in front of me and awkwardly (not knowing what to do but laugh) apologized. thank goodness i wasn't stuck by a car today and thank goodness that i was scheduled to work today after asking for and told i'd be given tuesdays off.

so on to what this post is all about (breaking the unofficial blog rule of: NEVER WRITE ABOUT WORK). when i walked into to work the head manager stuck out his hand and gave me a handshake and said, "Good job with the ribbon sales!" (panera right now is giving people one dollar off if they donate a dollar to YME breast cancer association and i guess i'm selling a lot of them or something, i never really found out). after that i thought hey, today might be a good day. then a couple hours later during the lunch rush i saw a guy that looked like the guy from scrubs walking up to my register. i decided that i was not going to bug him by asking him if he was the guy from scrubs or tell him that he looks like him. but, then when him and his friends came up to me his friend said, "you'll have to excuse my friend here, he always gets confused with a celebrity." i then told them, "oh, i was going to say. (then i looked at him) you are him, right?" he nodded and i quickly looked away to make sure not to stare (and to make sure i took their order). i paused and then looked up again and gushed, "i love your show! and my brother-in-law is going to freak when i tell him!" i then realized what i was saying out loud and gasped, put my hand over my mouth and said, 'sorry, i didn't mean to do that." i then took their order, mainly looking and communicating with his friend so to not get distracted by any distractions that could occur by looking straight at zach braff (the first celebrity i've seen in person). then we held eye contact for longer than two seconds when i was asking them if they wanted a cup for water or bottled water. he looked right into my eyes, raised his eyebrows, smiled, and said, "yes, bottled water." i then offered them the breast cancer ribbon thingy and he said, "of course, i always give to breast cancer." he kept talking to his friend while i rang up the ribbon. since i don't ease drop (or more like since i was unable to concentrate on what he was telling his friend and ring up the ribbon at the same time) i only heard the end of the joke which went something like, "you know, like i like to help spread breast cancer whenever i can." he then looked up and noticed i had heard the end only the end of his joke. this was when i saw the beginning of his worried face (the hilarious one he always gives in scrubs) so i smiled to let him know that i knew he was just telling a joke and he smiled back. i gave zach the buzzer for their food, he then walked off to wait for their food, and i told his friend that i'd be right back with their bottled water and fruit cup (this was one fruit cup i was not going to forget). his friend asked me, "oh, so you want me to wait here for it?" i told him, "oh, well, you can go find a seat and i can bring it to you if you want?" (something i would offer any customer). when i saw him leave the line to go find a seat i couldn't but help think, "yes, i get to see zach braff again." the second time our eyes met for longer than two seconds (the second time zach braff looked into my soul*) was when i came back with their waters and fruit cups. i then turned to his friend and said, "we are all out of large fruit cups, so i brought you two small ones instead, is that okay?" they chuckled and said it was fine. yes, zach braff just chuckled at me...was possibly what i was thinking as i walked away. i was so full of excitement, because i just met my first celebrity and it was an actual cool celebrity. i wasn't going to tell anyone at first, but then i looked at the clock and it was only 1:45ish (and i had just offered to stay later for someone who was sick) and i just couldn't wait until 5:00 to tell suzanne and husayn. by the time i was ready to spill the girl next to me (who i knew wouldn't make a big fuss and wouldn't run and go try to sneak a peak at him) had just gone on break for thirty minutes. then i looked to my right and saw my manager and i knew that he was not one to tell, but i couldn't keep it in any longer. "the guy from scrubs is here!" and like that he dropped what he was doing and started walking straight to the dinning room to find him calling back to me, "the black one or the white one?" when patrick came back he informed me that he (zach braff) was in town to do a talk for north western and then patrick went on to tell everyone else the guy from scrubs was here. a couple of people went to get his autograph. when i found out that people were going up to him, i felt bad. dang it, i knew i should have just waited to tell people until he left! let the man eat in peace for once. anyways, as he was leaving i saw him looking around and i hesitated at first to ask him if he needed something, but then i thought if it were anyone else i would have already asked them if they needed something. so i asked him and he said, "oh, i was just--" and then he pointed in the other direction towards his friend. then as he walked out he waved and said goodbye to me.

you know how when after you have a conversation you think of things you should of said instead of what you said. here are the things i should have said to zach braff today:

1.) i loved garden state!
2.) you are freaking hilarious.
3.) scrubs and arrested development are like my favorite shows. have you seen arrested development? you should, it's hilarious. don't even bother renting it, just buy it. i'm telling you it's that good.
4.) this is a silly question but... are you in town because you are going to be on oprah? if you are, can i have tickets?
5.) this is blog worthy.

ahh!! i met zach braff today (and his nice friend, you have nice friends zach braff). zach. braff. said AND waved. good.bye. to. me.

*i say this only for entertainment purposes, i'm not in love with zach braff or have some girly obsession with him where i want him to have my babies [sorry zach, it's just i don't really know you. though, i must say you are truly cute (so cute in fact that from here on out if i ever draw your name during picionary, i most definitely without a doubt or hesitation will draw you) and would probably father very adorable children].


Heather said...

Apparently he was in an episode of Arrested Development. You can read about it in his blog: http://gardenstate.typepad.com/

Maybe tomorrow he'll write about that nice girl he met at Panera. ;)

Katie B said...

yeah, he was. It was on two episodes ago and he was hilarious (as always). Nathan and I laughed SO HARD at the part he played. I can't wait for the second season to come out on dvd!