Sunday, November 06, 2005

What is going on?

Witness. I went home on friday, but when I saw this I wasn't sure where I was. Confusion set in as soon as I saw it, "What? Is that...? Where am I? Mooommmm!!!!" Terror seized me, for change in my home is hard for me to handle. I like knowing where everything is, where I can find things, what I can expect. A place where I know where I am and what I can do. Last time, when I saw the deforesting on the corner of prarie and that other street (near the knolls) I almost cried. Batavia, what are you doing getting rid of those trees? But that I can handle, that is developement. Or the new stop sign by the high school,
even that I can get used to. But change inside my own home is what I truely struggle with. The disappearance of Grandma Lehman's rocking chair (my parents waiting until I was gone for a weekend to throw it out). Then there now is an ocassionly a television WITH a DVD player sitting in our living room. That is a change I'm still getting used to. But what about this? Actual white bread in my home? This is unheard of. This is unfathomable. I mean, look WHITE bread sitting on my dinning room table. I can truthfully say that no one has ever seen such a thing.

This would be me on my 23rd hour. Yes, I officially feel like an architect student now, after pulling my first all-nighter on wednesday. On that One Great Day, I was in the AA building down in studio for 29 hours. When I finally finished all my work at 5:30 a.m. Nadia and I set off to find the roof to watch the sunrise (which everyone kept calling sunset, because that was just how long it had been since we had been outside). We successfully found the little window on the fifth floor and got onto the roof. We were quite proud of ourselves. Here is me climbing through the little window...
Can you see the little brown stain on my pants? Yeah, that would be from my 12th hour when my meatball sandwich landed in my lap and created two big brown stains on my pants that I would be wearing for another 28 hours. Oh! and here are the brusies I got from climbing through that little window. It took me awhile to figure out where those brusies were from when i found them...(i was tired, i couldn't think, i couldn't

I don't know how to wrap this up...sooo...



Heather said...

Oh, Anya. Ouch on the bruises! I'm glad you survived your sleep-deprivedness. The white bread thing must be a disease that's going around right now because my mom bought white bread at Trader Joe's the other day. When I pulled it out of the grocery bag I was very weirded out. What else was I going to say? Oh yeah. I love the Cubs pants.

Anonymous said...

I hope your bruises feel better soon Anya. :)