This would be the family that I could spend hours upon hours gushing about (literally). On the far left we have Jack-Jack (aka Xyden, who's smile would make your month
...my month has been made... just because it is that beautiful...not to mention rare). On the floor is, "Edna Mole, darling" (aka my Katana-bana who is now all about giving the biggest-bestest hugs one has ever gotten). Far left we have Dash (aka Vahid WHO'S IN KINDERGARDEN and all grown up...but he still likes to play "making the food" with me). Oh and in the middle, there is Violet (aka Mady, aka the girl who got me addicted to the spiderman video game...
*by the way anyone who has or knows of anyone who has that game, we are now best friends. it's official). As for the two left to be identified, they are Mr. and Mrs. Incredible (if you haven't figured that out already) or in other words the two people who must make the worlds best children. These are the Incrediebles, quiet possibly the only people that could make Nashville a bearable..err...I mean...memorable place.
We watched The Incredibles last night!!!!!!
I love that movie even more now. I mean, how can I not love it when Disney does a documentary on one of my favorite families ever?!?!
PS: I can't believe you stole my picture.
PPS: You're forgiven.
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