Monday, September 22, 2008

i have a dream

that one day people will build and keep the peace through the bad-ass means of justice and stop keeping the piece of their false realities that they hold onto so tightly. then they will finally see themselves and me clearly; we are noble, people, noble beings.

take a step back and take that in. what does that mean? being a noble being to me means that with all my heart, no matter how corny or unimaginable this sounds, i love all of humanity and i strive everyday to serve it the best i can. that means i love you (yes you!) and i try to serve you. i love you unconditionally. are we married? are we family? are we friends? do we talk to each other? do we know each other? none of these titles or what your relation to me is, was, could be matters, i still love you. come on! let's be awesome already and rise to our nobility.

*dedicated to the ms. katy luxion and awesome conversations.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Awww, thank you ms Anya - I wish our schedules weren't so weird these past few days. But we'll talk soonly I hope.