Saturday, May 21, 2005

she led a full life.

she led a full stomach.

most people go home (as in their parent's house) and do their laundry. i come home and eat. i don't know what it is all about. but the first thing i do is open and go through the fridge and cabinets looking for tasty treats (not just un-healthy ones, i get excited seeing red apples and bananas as much as i do when i see chocolate covered chewy sunbelt granola bars and waffles). it doesn't matter if i'm hungry or not prior to coming home, the second i step into the house i get hungry (or maybe more like i want to eat). when i came back in decemeber for three weeks, i ate three weeks straight. when i come home on the rare days off from work, i just eat (i am eating an apple as i type). i wonder why that is. perhaps it's all the physiological stuff of growing up with seven people and "if you see something you want you better eat it quick or else someone else will" automatically kicks in.

...or not.

sara just called.
she didn't know i was home.
"my sister?!" she exclaimed.
"no," i said.
"yes," she said.

"you don't know me!"
and i hung up the phone.


something in those eyes
in those eyes of yours

a hidden secret
i was suppose to find

buried deep, deep in those eyes
those eyes of yours

lies the truth i want to find

1 comment:

Katie B said...

I do the same thing when I get home. I eat more than I ever would anywhere else! I think you hit the nail on the head with your hypothesis.