first off, i am alive! surprise! second, not only am i alive i do have a blog that i post on...possibly not often but it's here and believe it or not i know it's here. and now, onto what got me to actually post something. on friday, my mom and i headed up to the north shore for grandparent and special friends day at amia's montesorri school. as i watched her explore whatever she felt like exploring i thought to myself, "man! i wish i got to go to a montessori school." i had this feeling that if i had i'd would have been a lot happier with my education and not so caught up in societal standards of who i should be. but then after/while going through and clearing connections, loyalties and fears of burdens i carried for other people, feelings i had about school, emotions i have with finances, shyness, my self-consiousness, and a poisonous idea of relationships (a lot of heavy stuff i've been holding onto) the idea hit me, "i still can have a montesorri education; i can explore anything that i want to explore!" and ever since then possible situations and opportunities have been falling into my lap. and really these opportunities have always been there, i just wasn't able to see them in the realm of an actual option for me. it's like suddenly i see these things as conformations to guide me and what a beautiful way to see!
here are a few explorations that i have come upon recently (where there are so many connection to the connections that i feel like i have to follow up on them):
1) printmaking
2) travel around china for the summer or maybe just visit hong kong (though, this exploration is dwindling with thoughts of fear..i'm still looking into it)
3) and upon looking at photos taken by my grandpa from puerto rico (like the one above...it's a six legged ox!!) i'm pretty certain that someday i'm going to have to make my way down south, where life seems to run in more simple manner.
yay, for change! and hooray for feeling very happy and very free!
YAY indeed! Thanks for coming over to share some of your joy (DAMN JOY!) with us! Hooray for happiness!
PS: People reading this might be rather confused as to whether or not I actually like joy and happiness. Hehe.
you are so cool... belts! wah! hahaha.
yes, yesterday was AWESOME. can't wait to see you on friiiiiiiiiday!!!
I was looking at those same pictures just last night! Were we looking at them at the same time, I wonder? That ox blew me away/freaked me out. And I had the same thought that I needed to make my way south at some point. Hurray for change and growth!
I'm so glad you had that realization about school/education! It's such a liberating feeling. You're an amazing artist, Anya.
I'm happy for you!
YAY!!! Thanks for coming down for SED - It was an awesome surprise!!! I'm really looking forward to seeing all (a.k.a. more) of the wonderful and amazing work that you'll be turning out over the years!!!
you moved me to explore montessori schools. i am an educator myself, and thats an area i forgot to consider. thanks :)
Yay! You have a blog! And I just found it! Now I WILL stalk you. (Note: Heather does like joy and happiness, and I am not ACTUALLY stalking Anya.)
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