Sunday, December 18, 2005

Forest of Illusion

since the library is out of sapranos season three, i have filled that time with playing super mario world. i now know what i was missing out on (our family never had nintendo, and when we went to visit our cousins in ohio..who had nintendo..only my older sisters got to play).

life. is. grand.

UPDATE: i am currently stuck in the forest of illusion, all paths have become circles. what thing did i miss in what level?


Anonymous said...

I would like to clarify for the general public that, although I am older, I was never a part of that "older sisters who got to play nintendo" group, either. I was deprived. Until I married Nathan and his computer genious.


Nathan said...

Forest of Illusion, huh? I see you've learned how to jump properly.

anya said...

it took some time and some new finger positioning, but i finally got it. and i can hold onto things now too (it's like my skills have just blossomed over night). but seriously, how do i get out of the forest!

Nathan said...

They don't call it the Forest of Illusion for nothing. You have to beat each level the "secret" way by finding the key and lock combination in each level. In the first level, you have to inflate yourself and go underneath the platform in the "opposite" direction until you find the key hole. In the water level, it's on the lowest part of the maze before you enter the home stretch. The ghost houses are crazy hard if you don't know what you're looking for, but always keep an eye out for power buttons and hidden blue doors.

anya said...

nathan, i got them all. and in the water level that was the first place i went to and there was no key, plus noo!! the water level hates me, think my jumping skills from before but badness times four. i can't swim. plus you can't even use r to go faster (what's that about? r is my life saver)

man, i guess i have to go back to the dang water level.

Heather said...

Oh my gosh! All the memories these comments are bringing back! I wish I was there playing with you. Shazzam, that would be awesome! I love that gaaaaaaaaaaame, Anya!

Nathan said...

You don't go forward faster when you swim while holding down R (or E), but you do swim higher much faster. Also, the key will not always be by the key hole (as you have discovered) so you have to find it and carry it over to the key hole. You can do it.

anya said...

i know that nathan!


what i didn't know was that you could walk through a wall in the water level, where incidentially the KEY IS! man, that took me way too long.

Anonymous said...

If you have it, could you email me a copy (mp3 or wma) of the song "Everything Goes Away" from Careless.....I have been searching for that song luck.

