as husayn cut away suzanne's, matt's and my dad's hair this past week i'm feeling like my hair is heavy and with this humid weather anything that feels weighty on your body must go. so i'm thinking of going shorter, shorter than i have ever gone. problems i forsee with this approach is my very round face, but i think i'm willing to take a risk. hair grows back and i'm not the one who has to look at my head the most. the following are some cuts i'm drawn to, and then a sloppy photoshop version of what they may (or probably won't) look like.

what do you think, is this a summer adventure i should pursue?
For us when we visit some blog site our main objective is to ensure that we will be entertained with this blog.
I like the Kirsten Dunst style the best on you!
See! Liza knows what's what! The Kirsten Dunst style is grrrrreat!
I was just looking at this post and Nathan leans over and says "who's that?"
I really like how it turned out - your hair that is - and I am going to keep telling in loads of different ways via loads of different online places....
Nice really special writing, l like your blog, will visit again.
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