Monday, January 12, 2009

reading: "Letter to My Daughter"

i very much like maya angelou and i thank her for sharing her wisdom.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Monday, January 05, 2009

there is a place of good that i come from, where i rise from and though the dictionary of my words has yet to be written or the full implication of my actions been seen, know that the good i do is for you (not the specific type of 'you', but simply the expansive kind). and though we do not write, call, or visit by any sort of societal definition, we are close. for we will always, in all ways, be one.

issues a tia faces

Originally uploaded by liza-bean
i am up this late for three reasons:

1) i just got back from work...pulling out and setting up new retail (i really like this job)

2) i am secretly hoping elsa will wake up in the middle of the night like she used to when she was younger to play

and 3) i don't want to go to bed because tomorrow katie and elsa leave to go back to seattle and i don't want to acknowledge that fact

it would be easy to say i wish i lived in seattle, but then when would i get to see amia and liam? these are the issues of a modern day tia, and i can think of only one thing that can solve this quandary; mitchellopolis. the day we break ground on this glorious idea, will mark the day of one overly-ubberly happy tia anya.