come thursday, my children are moving to georgia. i came home, home (b-town) to say goodbye. my baby-girl xcy, who is a little over two and a half, was all stressed out but found contentment on my lap. katana was running a fever and sick, but that didn't stop her talking (it's when she stops talking that you know she is
really sick). and vahid made me realize that my kids aren't going to be my kids forever...
tah: vahid, go give anya a hug and a kiss.
vahid: okay, but only hugs. no kisses.
one day, each one of them will grow out of giving me kisses, just how they are slowly growing out of their "i heart anya" t-shirts.
today was a hard day.
My city's still breathing (but barely it's true)
through buildings gone missing like teeth.
The sidewalks are watching me think about you,
sparkled with broken glass.
I'm back with scars to show.
Back with the streets I know.
Will never take me anywhere but here.