Tuesday, May 31, 2005

40 bluesclues later...

love is funny because right when you think that you couldn't love someone more, you are surprised to reailize that you can and that you do. you know it's real love when you wake up in the morning after being with someone for four days straight (twenty hours...or 40 bluesclues...of which that were spent in the car) and you realize you miss them.

yes, my friends, i'm talking about the merkels. in other words, the past four days were great (minus being in nashville...where there are three things listed under the family activity page, two of which were BARS. oh nashville, how i don't miss you.) xcyden and i bonded so much (well, as much as one can bond with xcyden without being her dad...or her mom) that now when i refer to my children she is no longer included as the one that hates me. she puts on a hard exteiror that xcyden, but once i heard her say my name and made her smile, i knew she liked me (and by like, i mean she doesn't mind me). i'm so in love with this family i can't even explain it, for me there's been nothing like it. just know that automatically my heart smiles when i think of the merkels.

the first (of MANY) laughs this trip was at 6:30 a.m. on I-80 when katana asked me to play "highway in the hedges," mady and i burst out laughing thinking the song was called "highway in the heaven." saying, "where did she get hedges out of heaven? hahahahaha." while listening to the song we realized katana was right, which only made us laugh even harder.


In the Highways, in the hedges
I'll be somewhere working for my Lord.

If he calls me, I will answer
I'll be somewhere working for my Lord.

and if you ever go on a car trip with these kids you WILL know these songs

don't cross the street in the middle, in the middle, in the middle, in the middle, in the middle, in the middle of the block
don't cross the street in the middle, in the middle, in the middle, in the middle, in the middle, in the middle of the block

use your eyes to look up
use your ears to hear

and a personal favorite (while holding xcyden, because if you start it she'll finish it for you)...

D-A-D-D-Y needs C-O-F-F-E-E
M-O-M-M-Y needs C-O-F-F-E-E

the re-mix goes like this:

A-N-Y-Y-A need C-O-F-F-E-E


anya said...

i forgot (and i don't know how)... did i mention how much i miss amia?! i saw her baby monitor last night when i walked in and was like, "is she here!?" and my heart cried out when i found out she had aready left.

Heather said...

Too funny! Those kids are hilarious. And, I know exactly what you mean about your heart automatically smiling when you think of them.

PS: Amia said 'Bye' to me when we left on Monday. Woo hoo! It totally made my day. :)

Anonymous said...

we miss you so much anya