Friday, August 12, 2005

Someday I will be a Fearless Warrior

change is a coming and for once i feel i can handle it, whatever it may be. my anxiety of starting college vanished today, because i, on my own, conquered it (after all i, on my own, created it). today, i was determined to be a fearless warrior. i was going to go down to uic by myself and get done what i needed to get done and i was not going to be ashamed of being a lost freshman not knowing exactly what i was doing. and that was what i did, except what i really needed to get done (financial aid, u-pass...ect.) can't get done until next week. but i do know where stevenson hall is and that it takes a good hour on the red line to get to and from campus (both are highly valuable pieces of information, let me tell you).

for the first time i feel that i am where i need to/should be. it all feels right.

that, is one good feeling.

i can feel it in my bones
i can feel in it my feet
these are the steps i'm here to take
this is the air i'm here to breathe

this is my soul speaking clear to me
this is the place i'm suppose to be

1 comment:

Katie B said...

Congratulations, Anya! I'm so glad you've got your confidence back and that you know you're in the right place!