Wednesday, October 06, 2004

thanks for breaking my cow lamp guys.

i have a headache and the cd i'm screening is not helping. this cd (that is on it's last song, Thank God!)is by William Gerald. William Gerald by the way likes to play a piano. a piano that looks like a baby grand. but, no, it is not a classical piano. it is electric. oh william gerald, please if you make any money off this cd please!, please buy a real piano. they just sounds so much better.

i think i have a new favorite show to watch. if you like buffy then chances are you will like this, because it has the same sort of format minus the super-human powers. it's called veronica mars. i saw the first two shows last night and i'm pretty sure i'm hooked.

today it feels like fall. do you know what happens during the fall here? the snakes start going into hibernation! that is, by far, the best thing i have heard all day.


Heather said...

I'm likin' the new look! Been thinkin' of changing me blog around a bit, too... -Heather

Riane or Allison or Priscilla said...

Sweet new flippin' blog, Anya. It's cool, because it's like, the same format as my Estonia site, except I changed some stuff in the html. But what I'm saying is that we should be friends.

Hey Strong Sad. Batman. Thanks for stoppin' by, guys. Thanks for breakin' my cowlamp.

anya said...

dang it, i always mess up quotes. i'm used to having you there to correct me or just say them and then i laugh. hard.